Chris Mosier est le premier athlète transgenre à participer à des sélections olympiques

Chris Mosier est le premier athlète transgenre à participer à des sélections olympiques

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Un pas de géant.

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Petit à petit, les droits des personnes transgenres avancent. En ce début d’année, c’est un pas de géant que vient de réaliser Chris Mosier, un homme trans de 40 ans qui est aussi athlète et activiste. Le sportif américain s’est qualifié pour participer aux sélections officielles des Jeux olympiques (JO), dans le genre auquel il s’identifie.

Aucun athlète transgenre n’avait encore réussi à percer ce plafond de verre. “C’est aussi le premier homme trans à avoir concouru avec des hommes (cisgenres) à un tel niveau”, précise le New York Times, qui consacre un portrait au sportif qui entre ainsi dans l’histoire.

Déjà membre de l’équipe nationale de duathlon, Chris Mosier a dû toutefois renoncer à son domaine de prédilection pour pouvoir participer aux sélections olympiques. En effet, cette discipline n’est pas représentée aux JO. Qu’à cela ne tienne ! En mai dernier, l’infatigable sportif à la plastique impressionnante se met donc à la marche athlétique.

Un athlète engagé

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When people tell you that you are not real, look in the mirror. Pinch yourself. Look into your eyes. Slap your cheeks. Jump up and down. Look at a clock. It is now, you are here, you are real. . When I was child I knew I was not like the little girls in my class, but I also knew I was not like my brother or the little boys in my neighborhood either. I was just me. They were just them. We were different.
. As I grew into adulthood, into my understanding of my identity, and into new language to describe myself for others, I grew into my confidence in knowing I am who I say I am. I am a man - a man of transgender experience, which is important. I am a trans man, which does not make me any less of a man, any less of a human, and less worthy of love and respect and dignity. . Don’t get me wrong - this process took time. It took time to understand that my identity is valid, particularly when so many people try to debate my very existence. In coming out publicly, in being out and in the media, I am faced with comments every single day saying I am not who I say I am. But I am here. This is me, and I know exactly who I am. Stepping into that, into myself, changed my life. . You know yourself better than anyone else. And I believe you. You are worthy of love and respect and equal rights. You are valid. And most of all, you are real. . If others don’t see you that way, that’s a THEM problem, not a YOU problem. ? . If you ever need a reminder, spend a minute with yourself in the mirror. You’re here. You’re real. You’re awesome. . #imagedescription Chris Mosier stands shirtless against a white wall, wearing black jeans and holding a black shirt. He just finished reading a bunch of horribly rude emails that were sent to him after he was mentioned in a CBS article, and is processing his emotions. . #transathlete #trans #transgender #transman #queer #here #dealwithit #instagay #transandshirtless #thisiswhattranslookslike #nodaysoff #nobaddays

Une publication partagée par Chris Mosier (@thechrismosier) le

Dès sa première course – un 5 km en septembre dernier –, il décroche la première place. En octobre, il rempile pour un 50 km qu’il termine en 12e position. C’est cet impressionnant classement qui le propulse directement vers les sélections pour les Jeux de Tokyo en juillet prochain.

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For all those following along: Today was incredible and heartbreaking. I ended up my very first DNF (did not finish), pulling out of the race early with a knee injury. . Since making it to the Olympic Trials was my main goal last year, I feel extremely accomplished. I started training in a new sport in May 2019. In January 2020, I was ranked 12th & toe the line with the best men in the nation. . I wanted come here today and have this experience and make history and celebrate. And with it being such a big, special race I had to line up; but the truth is my leg has been hurting for a long time and this morning I had two options: go all out today and hurt myself even more, or exit early and live to race another day. . I made the tough but wise choice. I have a torn meniscus in my right knee and will be looking at surgery very soon (but first any other options! DM me suggestions please!) . Despite the agony of watching most of this race from the sideline, I had a wonderful experience. I feel blessed to be here. I can’t downplay the significance of starting the race or the fact that I only started racewalking seven months ago and have done only two races prior - a pretty awesome beginning to my new sport. . This is just a step on my journey. @coach.robyn told me today: “progress is not a straight line” It’s true. . It’s all good as long as we are moving forward. And forward isn’t always a straight line either. This isn’t the end - on the contrary, this is very early in this new chapter. And I will say now with confidence: this is not my last race or last Olympic Trials. . Thank you to everyone who sent well wishes, good luck, and good vibes this weekend, and thank you for all support and congratulations throughout. Thanks for your text messages and videos - I felt the love and you really showed me what you’re about. ✊ . I really appreciate you being along for the ride. ? Buckle up - we’re going to fix this knee and really let it rock! . #imagedescription Chris Mosier zips up a blue @nike jacket after withdrawing from the Olympic Trials race with a knee injury. . #transathlete #history #racewalking #nike #nikerunning #olympictrials #dnf #nodaysoff #nobaddays

Une publication partagée par Chris Mosier (@thechrismosier) le

Samedi 25 janvier, il a donc pris place sur la ligne de départ parmi des hommes cisgenres. Toutefois, une blessure au ménisque droit l’empêche de terminer cette course de 50 km. “Malgré la frustration que j’ai ressentie à regarder une partie de la course depuis le banc de touche, j’ai vécu une expérience incroyable”, a-t-il commenté sur Instagram. “Ce n’est pas la fin, au contraire c’est le début de ce tout nouveau chapitre”, a-t-il ajouté.

Grâce à lui, la brèche est ouverte. Par le passé, Chris Mosier a déjà fait énormément pour la cause des athlètes transgenres. Très actif sur les réseaux sociaux, il a également fondé le site En 2015, il devient le premier athlète transgenre à être sponsorisé par Nike, qui le fait apparaître dans une publicité.

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Sport is a vehicle for social change - it has the power to move the needle on social issues and to unite us in ways otherwise not possible. So the idea of engaging accomplices this Pride season, of calling on allies to come out and make themselves known and to be proud, is as important as my own visibility as an out transgender man proudly sharing my experience and using my voice to narrate this request. Sport is great because we are different and come together to work toward a common goal. Those same principles of teamwork and support apply off the field of play - we are all better when we celebrate each other’s greatness, not in spite of our differences, but because of them. It doesn’t matter if you’re a pro athlete or a weekend warrior - your voice as an ally can have a significant impact. Never underestimate the ripple of change you can create by speaking out, standing up for, and standing with the people around you. #untilweallwin #BETRUE ?️‍?@nike @nikerunning ? @marcus.chi ? @bkstrength_chicago . [#imagedescription black and white portrait of Chris Mosier in profile, shirtless, looking off into the distance. A full color Nike BETRUE 2019 logo with Chris’s signature is stamped in the middle] . #transathlete #transandshirtless #transisbeautiful #thisiswhattranslookslike #transmenofig #ftm #chrismosier #wontbeerased

Une publication partagée par Chris Mosier (@thechrismosier) le