Quand Nikon se fait berner par un photomontage… et le récompense

Quand Nikon se fait berner par un photomontage… et le récompense

“Nous avons bien entendu vos commentaires et vos opinions à ce sujet, et vous avez raison — nous ne devrions pas compromettre nos valeurs même pour un simple concours photo de petite envergure. Nous en avons discuté en interne, avec la communauté et nos loyaux fans, et Yu Wei a aussi fait savoir sa position à ce sujet.
Notre erreur n’était pas intentionnelle, et les réactions qu’elle a suscitées montrent que le vrai esprit de la photographie est bel et bien vivant. À l’avenir, nous serons plus consciencieux dans le processus d’évaluation des photos afin de ne plus être confrontés à ce genre de situations. Merci encore pour toutes vos réponses aujourd’hui, pour votre humour et surtout votre candeur et votre honnêteté. Nous espérons dorénavant ne plus vous décevoir et ne jamais cesser d’avoir votre soutien.
Très sincèrement, votre équipe Nikon”

À voir aussi sur Konbini

Le photographe malhonnête, lui, s’est fendu d’un long mea culpa sur son compte Instagram, agrémenté d’une image sur laquelle on peut lire : “Chers confrères photographes, je suis désolé.”

Hello everyone, This goes out to everyone who has seen my Chinatown plane post. I'm sorry! This is going to be quite a read so that's the first thing I would like you to read if you don't have time to read below; I would like to apologize for the mistake I have done. I've been quiet so far because I've been trying to contact Nikon and have been waiting for them to contact me back to discuss about this. I understand that what I would say might affect Nikon's brand hence I decided to wait for their advice. However, since more than 24 hours have passed and I have not managed to have discussions with Nikon, I think I shouldn't wait and it's important for me to come out to address this issue. Like one user commented, I was on a photo walk in Chinatown and I chanced upon that set of ladders. I snapped a picture of it, and subsequently felt that a plane at that spot would make for an interesting point of view. Hence, I inserted the plane with PicsArt and uploaded it to Instagram. That's how I use Instagram, sometime it's to showcase the work I'm proud of, sometimes just to have fun. This case, that small plane was just for fun and it was not meant to bluff anyone. I would have done it with photoshop if I really meant to lie about it, but no, it was a playful edit using the PicsArt app and uploaded to Instagram. When my friends commented with some questions, I also answered it jokingly, saying it's the last flight of the day and saying it was my lucky day that I did not wait too long. At that time, of course everyone who read it took it as a joke, before this issue arrived and it is taken seriously. However, I made a mistake by not keeping it to Instagram as a casual social media platform. I crossed the line by submitting the photo for a competition. I meant it as a joke and I'm really sorry to Nikon for disrespecting the competition. It is a mistake and I shouldn't have done that. I also shouldn't have jokingly answered Nikon that I caught the plane in mid-air and should have just clarified that the plane was edited in using PicsArt. This is my fault and I sincerely apologise to Nikon, to all Nikon Photographers, and to the photography community as general.

A photo posted by Yu Wei (@yuuuuuwei) on

Mais puisqu’un scandale n’arrive jamais seul, il a ensuite été révélé que le cliché était non seulement un faux mais aussi un plagiat d’une photo déjà existante, comme le révèle DigitalRev. Cette image avait été réalisée par un certain Yik Keat il y a un an. Plus honnête que son prétendu “confrère”, Yik Keat avait précisé que l’avion avait été ajouté à la photographie originelle.

The classic lookup #putaplaneonit @instagood #featuremeinstagood

A photo posted by Yik Keat (@leeyikkeat) on